Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9 Months

It's a week late, but better late than never, right?  Can you believe how C-U-T-E, cute this little boy is!  We are so blessed to have him and he is truly what brings us joy during this uncertain time in our lives.

He is 31 inches long (literally off the growth chart) and between 20-21 lbs.  He loves to crawl and stand and has now started walking behind his walker.  He's a very busy boy and it is a full time job keeping up with him.

We've started learning some sign language.  I'm hoping it will be a way for him to communicate with me while he learns to talk.

Will is a healthy eater.  He loves steal cut oatmeal, beans, veggies, fruit, Cheerios and Goldfish.  He wants to feed himself and gets frustrated if you try to help him or feed him.

Will has so much of his father in him, it's pretty unbelievable.  I'm so in love with both of my boys and feel very blessed.

I love you, William Thomas!

Will almost always smiles when you point a camera at him. 
{Can you see his top front teeth coming in?}

What are you doing?  Let me see that thing!

Have you not gotten enough pics mom?

Happy, healthy, and cute!

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