Friday, September 2, 2011


We finally got in to MD Anderson on Wednesday.  It was a very loooong day for all three of us.  Will was a trooper, but I don't think I'll put him through that again.

We were up at 4:00 with Will and decided to just go ahead and pack up and head down to Houston.  It didn't help that we had not had more than a few hours sleep.  It was a physically and emotionally exhausting day.

After waiting almost 4 hours, we finally got to meet with the doctor.  He wasn't convinced that Freddie has been diagnosed correctly.  He wants to review the pathology.  He is going to let us meet with a surgeon, despite thinking that surgery is not a possibility.  He said there are too many tumors and they are too extensive to remove them.  Chemo is not a cure; it only reduces tumors and stops their growth.  So far, the chemo has not had enough of an effect on Freddie.  In short, Freddie faces a long journey {possibility of chemo the rest of his life}.  I'm sure if you put yourself in his shoes, you can only imagine the emotional and physical toll.

We have a God that answers prayer, so I ask all my prayer warriors to please continue praying.  My heart is breaking to see my husband go through this.

Our saving grace right now is our sweet son.  His smiles, giggles, and little dances are our distraction.  He makes our lives worth living and lifts us up when we are struggling to stay positive.  I can't imagine life without either of my boys...and I don't want to.

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Right now, we are seeking peace and healing.  I'm typing this to avoid a million questions.  This is really all we know right now.  Please respect that and only call with support.  It is hard to continue answering and discussing things when this is all we know.

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."
Psalm 5:11

1 comment:

Daria Valdez said...

Emily, I'm with you. Count on my prayers for you and your beautiful family. I'm storming heaven for Freddie and for his complete healing in Jesus name. Psalm 91:1. Love you.