Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Update

Our insurance denied Freddie's medicine because it is not FDA approved for thymic cancer.  It has been approved for other cancers, but since it isn't approved for his, the insurance looks at the bottom line and will not approve it.  We are currently in the appeal process with our insurance company and also going through an application process with the drug company to see if they can assist us in getting the drug.

Freddie visited his two oncologists yesterday in Dallas.  The first one he saw was new.  She is a thymic specialist and would like for Freddie to visit the country's leading thymic specialist in Indiana.  When Freddie met with his other oncologist yesterday afternoon, he agreed that this was a good idea and knows the doctor also.  He also put in a call to the doctor and we will be visiting Indiana in December.

I know this is short and sweet, but this is all we know for now.  I have no idea what we will find out in Indiana. I'm beginning to feel like doctor after doctor doesn't know what to do so we are being passed around to specialist after specialist.  It is such a situation of uncertainty and disbelief.  "I can't believe this is happening," "How could he have such a rare cancer," "What is going to happen and what is life going to be like for the next few months/years."

Please pray for us.  And please look at life and be grateful for the blessings and health you have been given.  We can't take anything in this world for granted and we don't know how long we are given.  Hug and love on the ones you love, cease every moment, and live like there is no tomorrow.  None of us are guaranteed to be here.

Blessings and love for now,

The Carams

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